1,100 + Students were estimated homeless last year in Washington County.
1 in 6 Children experience food scarcity, wondering where their next meal will come from.
16% of Washington County families are at or below the federal poverty level (FPL).
45% of Washington County residents rely on some sort of government assistance.
Outcomes 2014-2020
6,180 families + individuals served in homeless shelter 2,800 of those were children
2,500 families assisted through our housing services
360,000 volunteer hours of service have been performed
27,000+ people assisted through our emergency food pantry
7.9 million+ pounds of food distributed
The Impact: Empowerment vs. Entitlement
Our clients and residents are empowered by our Switch-bucks Program. They earn bucks through contributing time and talent to the betterment of our organization and facility. Our clients redeem Switch-bucks for interview clothing and items needed for their families. This helps to restore the confidence needed to move to self-sufficiency.