Switchpoint has state and federal grants that allow us to help individuals and families that meet the qualifications with temporary housing payment assistance.
We have watched the rental prices in Washington County jump over 60% since 2015 and many families are struggling to find places to rent due to the .01% vacancy rate. Affordable housing is needed in our County to assist families and individuals who are considered the “working poor” (they have jobs but can’t afford housing).
Did You Know?
The rental housing industry estimates 30% of a households gross income should be used to pay rent and utilities. This has become an income standard to determine whether or not a prospective tenant can afford rent and be approved to live in a particular property.
According to the industry standard rental cost index:
If you work full time at $8.00 per hour, your monthly rental payments should be $416.00
If you work full time at $10.00 per hour, your monthly rental payments should be $520.00
If you work full time at $12.00 per hour, your monthly rental payments should be $624.00
“About a year ago my family and I were put in a position where we became homeless. We had heard about Switchpoint from a friend of ours so we thought, what the heck, let’s see if they can do anything for us. I will tell you it was the BEST decision we had made. The people at Switchpoint didn’t pass judgement on us, they understood our situation and did what they could to assist in getting my family off the streets and into a home. We have had struggles throughout this last year due to health issues and our housing case manager has been so apt to helping even with that. They are very caring and willing to help those in need. If families are misplaced due to unforeseen circumstances, I would highly recommend contacting Switchpoint to see what they can do to assist.”– Meredith R.
For more information email us at: jumana@switchpointcrc.org